シャーロック アントールドストーリーズ
Sherlock: Untold Stories
This Television adaptation
began in 2019, and
was made by
Fuji TV.
IMDb: シャーロック アントールドストーリーズ (link not verified)
Sherlock Holmes played by: Dean Fujioka
Dr. Watson played by: Takanori Iwata
07 Oct 2019 | 世界一有名なミステリーが蘇る! 天才探偵と精神科医が運命の出会い! 医師変死の謎を解け The world's most famous mystery is revived! A genius detective and a psychiatrist meet by fate! |
14 Oct 2019 | 新宿駅替え玉遺体の女の謎! 都会の闇に埋もれた女達 The Mystery of the Shinjuku Station Double Body Woman! Women Buried in the Darkness of the City |
21 Oct 2019 | 地面師詐欺という闇! 死者の伝言は3本の小枝… The darkness of the landlord fraud! The message of the dead is three twigs... |
28 Oct 2019 | ボクシング世界王者の失踪…空白の15分に何が? The disappearance of the boxing world champion... what happened in the blank 15 minutes? |
04 Nov 2019 | 死体が歩く夜…真相は、愛か狂気か The night when the corpse walks... Is the truth love or madness? |
11 Nov 2019 | 前世殺人? 古いビデオテープが語る真相 Murder in a previous life? The truth told by an old videotape |
18 Nov 2019 | 少年シャーロック現る! 祖父誘拐と開かずの金庫 Boy Sherlock Appears! Grandfather Kidnapped and Unopened Safe |
25 Nov 2019 | 遺書の暗号は殺しの招待状 The cipher of the suicide note is an invitation to kill |
02 Dec 2019 | 最終章へ…別れの予感! 最後の晩餐は密室殺人レストラン To the final chapter... a premonition of parting! The last supper is a closed-room murder restaurant |
09 Dec 2019 | 最終章 都知事長男誘拐事件! そして彼が覚醒する The Final Chapter: Tokyo Governor's Eldest Son Kidnapped! And He Awakens |
16 Dec 2019 | 最終回! 最強バディが下す決断…愛するものを守れるか? この冬最も胸を熱くするラスト The final episode! The decision made by the strongest buddy... Can you protect what you love? |
23 Dec 2019 | 探偵×医師の最強バディ再び 終わらぬ最期の事件! Detective x Doctor's Strongest Buddy Again! |