Setsuko Andran
- Wikipedia: Setsuko Andran (link not verified)
11 Nov 2019: '前世殺人? 古いビデオテープが語る真相' Murder in a previous life? The truth told by an old videotape 25 Nov 2019: '遺書の暗号は殺しの招待状' The cipher of the suicide note is an invitation to kill 16 Dec 2019: '最終回! 最強バディが下す決断…愛するものを守れるか? この冬最も胸を熱くするラスト' The final episode! The decision made by the strongest buddy... Can you protect what you love? -
25 Nov 2019: '遺書の暗号は殺しの招待状' The cipher of the suicide note is an invitation to kill